Each 1 ml contains:
Diclazuril | 10 mg |
Diclacox is effective in the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis
caused by Emeria spp in cattle, sheep, goats and poultry.
– Cattle: Eimeria bovis, E. zuernii
– Sheep, goats: E. parva, E. ovina, E. ovinoidalis, E. ahsata, E. arloingi,
E. pallida, E. faurei, E. crandallis.
– Poultry: Eimeria tenella, E. acervulina, E. necatrix, E. brunetti, E. mitis (mivati), E. maxima
Dosage and administration:
For oral administration.
Cattle, sheep, goats: 1 ml/10 kg of body weight/day, only 1 dose.
Poultry: 1 ml/4-6 kg of body weight/day, for 2 days
Head Office: Lot A2 CN4, Tu Liem Industrial zone, Nam Tu Liem Dist., Ha Noi City
Manfacturer: Medion Vietnam Joint Stock Company Lot NM5, Phu Thi Industrial Zone, Phu Thi Ward, Gia Lam District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.
Hotline: (84-24) 3780 5385/86