SiO2; Al2O3, MgO and herbal extract
Safe guard contains special minerals with strong dehumidifiers that help to keep the barn always dry, clean and limit pathogenic development.
For newborn piglets: Keep warm, prevent loss temperature and decrease piglet losses, prevent umbilical cord inflammation.
For sows: Antiseptic vulva after farrowing, decrease postpartum bleeding, prevent hoof inflammation, mastitis and metritis.
For fattening pigs and poultry, cattle: keep the barn always dry and clean, that help anti-stress, limit the pathogenic development and decrease the faecal odor.
Dosage and administration:
Newborn piglets (hygine powder): 1 kg/10-25 heads
Fattening pig, cattle: Periodically sprinkle on the floor of the barn 1-2 times/week or when have odor in the barn.
Poultry, cattle: 100 g/m² of the barn.
Head Office: Lot A2 CN4, Tu Liem Industrial zone, Nam Tu Liem Dist., Ha Noi City
Manfacturer: Medion Vietnam Joint Stock Company Lot NM5, Phu Thi Industrial Zone, Phu Thi Ward, Gia Lam District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.
Hotline: (84-24) 3780 5385/86